Why Give?

Through the practice of giving tithes and offerings, we worship and exercise our faith and trust in our loving God. By giving, we can help further His work in the world and help further His mission by helping our brothers and sisters in need. Your generosity matters.
Where Does My Money Go?Give Online


Your Generosity Matters

Can I Give In Person?

Yes! You can get a tithe envelope in the foyer or behind the pews in the sanctuary. Simply hand your tithes and offerings to our deacons or deaconesses, or in the drop box in the foyer.

Make A Difference

Tithes and offerings make a difference – and it starts with you! With every dollar given, the furtherance of God’s commission can be carried out to the far corners of the world. The more people who know about Jesus, the sooner He will return.

What Does The Bible Say?

Read more on Stewardship, Tithes and Offerings as it’s found in the bible.

Be a Part of Making a Change

You can make a difference. Being a good steward means to prayerfully and carefully take God’s resources and share them. This includes our time, talents,  finances and treasures, our testimonies, and so much more! Let’s be thankful for all that God has bestowed upon us and help to make this world a better place.

2024 Sunset and Offering Schedule

This schedule follows the Personal Giving plan, yet you may give any offering at any time. Be a blessing and be blessed!