About the Series:
Let’s Talk To God is a 1-hour live stream prayer session where you can send your prayer requests or praises to us for prayer. We’ll pray for you during our program. Join us every quarter as we come together as an online community to pray.

Leilani Lim Taer
Leilani is the head of the prayer ministry department at Orlando Filipino SDA Church.
Send us your prayer praise or request
Do you have a prayer praise or request that you would like to share with us? Click the button below to go to our prayer request page to submit it and we’ll include it during our live program.
Watch the program
Watch on the web / OFSDAtv
New programs air live at 3:30PM Eastern Time on June 22, September 2, and December 2 right here on OFSDAtv.
Watch on the web
Watch our past programs right here. Click on the playlist icon on the top right section of the video to select an episode to watch.
Watch on my Smart TV
You can watch the series on your Smart TV (Roku, Amazon Fire, Apple TV, Samsung, LG, Sony, etc). Just make sure you have the YouTube app installed on your Smart TV. Open the YouTube app on your TV, and type ofsdatv in the Search bar.
Let’s Talk To God airs live on June 22, September 2, and December 2 at 3:30pm Eastern Time.
Connect with us
Would you like to contact us? You can send us a Bible question, request us to pray for you, or just simply send us a message. We can connect with you!
1. Praying for Tamara who just recently lost her husband to illness 7 months ago. She’s been coming to OFSDA for about 1 month now & she loves it.
2. Doc Rey to come back to OFSSA.
3. For 2 or 3 SDA churches to bring warm crockpot food on a Tuesday or Thursday at Matthew’s Hope Ministries, Winter Garden.
4. Mentor our youths & young adults by building relationships